
Compels    Tracking Your Stats

Maneuvers require freedom of movement and reflect a character’s strategic acumen and spatial awareness. 

Maneuvers are highly dependent on terrain. For example, Hiding requires cover. Outflanking a foe or is impossible they’re occupying a threshold—but the threshold also prevents the foe from Evading

Maneuver Actions

An opposed maneuver roll is a Success if it beats the foe’s Awareness. It’s a Struggle if it beats the foe’s Intellect. A maneuver is a Failure if it doesn’t beat either the foe’s Awareness or Intellect. 


Players roll Maneuver whenever combat is initiated. The roll determines which characters act before the opposing forces. 

Success: Take an action before the opposing forces.

Fail: Wait to act until after the opposing forces take their turns. 

The Guide sets the threshold based on the highest Awareness of the opposing  forces. 

This action marks the start of combat, and only heroes ever take this action. It’s also exceptional in that it doesn’t have a struggle outcome—you either succeed or fail.


You focus on avoiding attacks until your next turn. Each time you’re attacked, roll Maneuver and subtract the result from the attack roll. 

You can’t counter while evading, and you can’t evade while occupying a threshold. 


Take -1 awareness and roll Maneuver to circle around a foe’s defenses for a more effective melee attack. 

Success: Make a free melee attack against the foe and add your Agility. 

Struggle: The foe can take -1 awareness to cause your maneuver to fail.

Fail: You provoke a free melee attack from the foe. 

You can’t outflank a foe who occupies a threshold.


Roll Maneuver to hide from all characters within sight or earshot. Hiding requires cover. If you’re hiding from multiple characters, compare your roll to the character with the highest Awareness of the group. (If only some characters fail to notice you, their more perceptive comrades alert them to your presence). 

Success: You’re hidden from the character(s) until after your next action. 

Struggle: The character(s) can take -1 awareness to discover your position.

Fail: You fail to hide. You remain exposed to the character(s).

Hidden and unaware. While you’re hidden from a character, they are unaware of you and subject to the following conditions:

Once you move or take action, you’re no longer hidden. This means you must choose between maneuvering or attacking with the benefits of being hidden; you can’t do both. 

For example, if you Outflank an unaware character, you treat their effective Awareness as zero—which means you’ll succeed automatically if you don’t have any penalties to your roll. But taking the Outflank action brings you out of hiding—which means you don’t get maneuver advantage on the free attack that a successful Outflank triggers.  

Movement and hiding. When you run, you come out of hiding—but if you run into a new area of cover and successfully hide there, unaware characters stay unaware of you. 

If a character is actively moving around and exploring a span you’ve been hiding in, the Guide may decide this triggers another Hide roll.