
Death    Insurgency

  • Requires: Will    
  • Origins:  Zordin 
  • Start with:   Unravel, Antediluvian language

Dream is what the Zordin call the Chaos realm. Where others see the Chaos as a nightmare realm of turbulence and danger, those who embrace Dream understand the Chaos as a force of pure possibility, and even learn to wield entropy like a weapon. 

You speak Antediluvian, the language of monsterfolk from the Chaos. 

You start with the following ability:


Will  When a hostile action or effect is directed at you, reduce your maximum Spirit by 1 as a reaction to unravel the order of reality, causing the result of the roll to become zero. The action or effect simply fails, as if it's something being attempted in a dream that becomes frustratingly impossible. If the incoming action has multiple targets, it only becomes zero for you. Dreamshape. Immediately after you use this ability—before any free actions are taken from the resulting failure—roll a d20 to determine your dreamshape: Disaster (1), Anxiety (2–5), Impotence (6–9), Dreamtouch (10–14), Paradox (15–16), Transformation (17–18), Lucidity (19), or Empowerment (20). Select your dreamshape below, then roll the die listed within it to determine what happens. 

Ask the Guide:

1. Disaster

Roll a d6
  1. Fire. A 3d4 explosion targets you and anyone near you. The Guide rolls the attack, which is inflicts lethal damage and -2 guard. On a hit or block, fire from the blast threatens to burn any wooden armaments; the Guide rolls 3d4 again vs. the armaments' DR.
  2. Debris. A meteor streaks from the sky, or (if you're indoors) the ceiling collapses. The Guide makes a d8 ranged attack against you and anyone near you, which inflicts lethal damage and -2 guard. 
  3. Bolt. A lightning bolt targets you, as described in the Bolt of Righteousness Messenger spell
  4. Storm. A Pillar of Cloud appears in your span and lingers there for a number of turns equal to your Will
  5. Pinch. Part of your body seems to implode. You suffer the effects of  Condense Coordinates: the Guide rolls a d4.
  6. Plague. You and your allies must make a brace challenge roll. On a 7+, you resist. On a 4–6, your current and maximum Stamina and Life are reduced by 1. On a 1–3, your current and maximum Stamina and Life are reduced by 2. This plague also affects everyone else on the island, or on your aircraft if you're traveling. The Guide determines how these other characters fare. 

2–5. Anxiety

Roll a d8. 
  1. Betrayal. The foe's action or effect is redirected at one of your allies (Guide's choice), or simply targets you if no allies are present. Reroll the action.
  2. Falling. You float, but awkwardly. You have maneuver disadvantage on all attacks. You can’t Stand fast or Run, because you can’t stop floating. In fact, you can only move by punting yourself off of solid surfaces, or if someone pulls you along like a balloon.
  3. Hollowness. Suffer -1 current and maximum Spirit. If you have no current spirit, you suffer -2 life.
  4. Terror. An invisible assailant chases you. Your Awareness drops to zero, and you can’t regain awareness.
  5. Loss. 1d6 of your teeth fall out. You suffer -2 guard and -2 awareness. (If you don’t have teeth, a similar calamity befalls your beak, speaking hole, or other orifice.)
  6. Unreadiness. You forget how to use all your abilities.
  7. Vertigo. You develop an aversion to high places.
  8. Lost. Moving to a new span requires taking -2 guard, -2 awareness, or 1 of each, unless you hold another advancing character's hand (requires free hand)

6–9. Impotence

Roll a d6. 
  1. Collapse. Your guard drops to zero.
  2. Flimsiness. Your armament breaks. If you're unarmed, you take -2 guard.
  3. Humiliation. Suffer -1 spirit and -1 awareness.
  4. Silence. Lose your voice.
  5. Exhaustion. Take -1 stamina, or -1 life if you have no stamina.
  6. Weakness. Your Strength drops to 0. Recalculate your defenses accordingly. You can't use any arms that have a Strength requirement.

10–14. Dreamtouch

Take -1 awareness, or -1 guard if you have no awareness. Roll a d12. 
  1. Your skin becomes clad in iridescent fish scales.
  2. Your hair floats and shifts colors.
  3. You grow antlers fringed with coral
  4. Your teeth become long fangs.
  5. You grow a prehensile tail.
  6. A single antenna grows and droops from your forehead like an anglerfish lure.
  7. Colorful byssal threads grow clustered like patches of fur on your body
  8. You grow a dorsal fin.
  9. Barnaclelike creatures encrust your knees and elbows.
  10. Your arms become boneless, like tentacles.
  11. Your pupils elongate and become shaped like Ws.
  12. You give off a distinct smell, which some (25%) of Kananites and Mazrians find strangely attractive and most (75%) find mildly repulsive. 
Then, roll a second d12. If you get the same result as above, the dreamtouch effect is permanent. 

15–16. Paradox

Roll a d8.
  1. Another Person. You take on the personality of an NPC (Guide's choice).
  2. Another Place. You, your allies, and the foes you're fighting appear in another location of the Guide's choosing.
  3. Banality. The Awareness and Guard of all characters nearby drops to zero. Until a character regains full Awareness, they are wary but nonviolent toward all other characters and accept their current situation, however dire, as normal.
  4. Confusion. You understand no languages.
  5. Disorientation. Lose 1d6 awareness, or guard if you have no awareness.
  6. Inception. You realize the situation thus far has been unreal. Start the battle or other scene over from the beginning, with defenses and health restored (to the best of players' knowledge). You automatically succeed to take Initiative.
  7. Upside-Down. The world flips upside down, so the open sky is beneath you, and the clouds and depths of the Skysea are above you. Luckily, all characters on the island (or in the region around your vessel, if you're not on an island), gain the ability to float. When this effect ends, nobody remembers it happening but you.
  8. Visitor. A wraith made of ambient material coalesces nearby. The Guide chooses which type of wraith, and rolls a d4. On a 1 or 2, the wraith is hostile. On a 3, it’s wary. On a 4, it’s friendly. The wraith loses 1 life at the end of each of its turns. 

17–18. Transformation

Roll a d8
  1. Monster. You transform into a kulu with full Life and defenses. You retain only your ideals and equipment from your current form, but your armor no longer fits.
  2. Dragon. You transform into an indigo dragon with full Life and defenses. You retain only your ideals from your current form; you can’t use your equipment, which falls to the ground beside you.
  3. Metamorphosis. You transform into a giant isopu. You're the size of a person, so you lack the tiny feature, and your maximum and current Life remain what they were before the transformation. You can't use the isopu's magical abilities unless you also know them.
  4. Wraith. You transform into a wind wraith with full Life and defenses. You retain only your ideals from your current form. You can’t hold your equipment, which falls to the ground through your “body.” Unlike typical wraiths, you are not bound and retain your life from turn to turn.
  5. Child. You transform into a toddler. Your Will remains the same, but your other attributes drop to zero (adjust your defenses and dice accordingly), and your maximum Life drops to 2. You can only use Will-based abilities, and your attacks don’t inflict lethal damage. 
  6. Exchange. You and the character acting against you swap bodies. You inherit the other body's Agility and Strength (recalculate your defenses accordingly), but maintain your own ideals, lore, languages, literacy, Intellect, Will, Life, and abilities. You can't use any of your abilities if you no longer meet their attribute requirements in your new body. After you've exchanged bodies, you can choose whether or not to go through with the action that triggered your use of Unravel. When the effects of your Unraveling end, you and the character exchange back and wake up in your original bodies, wherever they've ended up. (If you've used Unravel in reaction to an effect, you instead transform into a Rephaite, as "Wraith" above.)
  7. Spirit Animal. Your head transforms into an animal of your choice. If you're a Mazrian, you can choose a new head if you like (with a new accompanying trait), though the effect is not permanent.
  8. Yom’s Blessing. You permanently gain a Zordin trait. Roll a d4: Camouflage (1), Gills (2), Sideways Sight (3), or Suction Skin (4). If you already have this trait, nothing happens. 

19. Lucidity

Roll a d6
  1. Cleverness. Gain a Stratagem (see Mastermind calling).
  2. Insight. Gain 1d6 overflow Awareness.
  3. Possibilities. You can reroll one action and use the higher result—or force a foe to reroll and use the lower.
  4. Revelation. The Guide reveals a secret to you.
  5. Translation. You understand all languages.
  6. Understanding. You successfully the Arbiter’s Soulgaze ability on the foe at no cost. On subsequent turns, you can cast the 𐎺Abjuring Gaze, 𐎺Penetrating Gaze, 𐎺Withering Gaze, and 𐎺Commune spells on them at no cost. (If an effect triggered your Unraveling, you instead briefly see the presence and shape of souls around you.)

20. Empowerment

Roll a d8.
  1. Confidence. Your max Spirit is restored, and you gain 1 overflow spirit.
  2. Float. You float 1 height into the air. You can continue floating as long as you hold your finger against your nose with a free hand. 
  3. Fly. You fly 1 height into the air. You can continue flying as long as you can beat your arms like wings (no shields, staffs, spears, or bows). You can swoop while flying this way, moving down 1 height and across 2 spans.
  4. Hidden. You immediately cast the Vanish light magic spell at no cost, rolling a d20 in place of the Sorcerer's focus die. You can subsequently cast this spell this way as an action. 
  5. Might. Gain 1 overflow stamina and the Champion’s Mighty Blow ability.
  6. Quickness. Make a free action, adding your Will to the roll.
  7. Untouchable. Gain 1 overflow awareness and the Wanderer’s Leaf on the Wind ability.
  8. Wind. You immediately use the Messenger's Call Wind ability at no cost, adding your Will to the roll.
Unraveling duration. Unless otherwise noted, any conditions or transformations resulting from this ability last until you fall asleep for at least one hour, or lose all your Life—whichever happens first. 

Abilities to Learn 

.5xp new ability  |  10xp with attribute increase


✦✧ WillWhen you use Unravel, you can roll twice to determine the dreamshape—that is, the initial d20 roll—and choose which result to use. 

Death    Insurgency