After the Zordin and monsters are dealt with, any remaining survivors topside (Hotep, Tey, and Jebedoah) reveal themselves and express their gratitude. The remaining townspeople eventually emerge and climb back up the forestcliff if the heroes aren’t motivated to search for them.

Among the hiding townspeople are two rebels, an old soldier with a bad leg, a Zordin harvester posing as a Kananite, and 22 commoners. One of the commoners owns the deflated balloon and knows the Balloons lore. Another commoner is the chief and knows the Politics lore. If you didn’t include Ezra and Zubai in the adventure, the balloon traders are with the hidden townspeople as well. 

The townspeople are grateful to the heroes and eager to help rebuild Jeribo. The citadel is intact, but the market and temple are in disrepair, and so is the library if the heroes fought inside it. It’s up to the heroes to decide what to work on during downtime.