
A floating island appears on the horizon, drifting far out of its orbit, its town in ruins.... 

A rebel base built deep into the island's forested cliffs holds more than an insurgency....

A badly damaged imperial airship limps into port, and demands much more than taxes....

An upside-down skyscraper from the ancient world holds the secrets of the Skysea....

Illustration by Sansiia

A game of When Sky and Sea Were Not Named might be limited to a single island that players explore in a few hours. Or it can be a sprawling campaign spread out over months of play, with heroes steadily gaining more powerful abilities and technology. 

As the Guide, you're responsible for facilitating the adventure. You control the non-hero characters, set up challenges for the heroes, and help guide the story that emerges from everyone's actions (and from the whims of the dice). 

Ahoy! If you're not planning on being the Guide, stop reading now—or else risk spoiling yourself!

A Guide for Guides (coming soon!)

Read about best practices for running the game, making adaptations, and designing your own adventures. 

Find colorful characters and bizarre creatures to populate your adventures, plus advice on how to create your own.

Sometimes, the best way to learn a game is to play it. The sample adventures below are for you. Feel free to run them as they are, modify them as you like, or strip them for parts to use in adventures of your own design. 

Each adventure contains enough content for a few 2- or 3- hour sessions. They're designed as open-ended "sandboxes." Heroes can explore the locations in any order they like, and ultimately determine how each adventure unfolds. 

Jeribo is a Kananite island that's recently drifted out of its orbit—and suffered an attack by an unknown force. This adventure is a great introduction to the game for new players. 

Elusha is a mysterious island from the lost kingdom of Shinar, recently resurfaced above the Skysea's clouds. This adventure will appeal to players who enjoy exploration and discovery.

The Reaper

—Coming soon—

The Reaper, the Kananites' name for the Empire's grand tax-collecting skyreme, limps into port, badly damaged—and demanding much more than taxes. This adventure can stand alone, or it can provide a threat to an island the heroes call home.